Monday, September 30, 2019

The Telecommuting and Its Effects

On September 20, 1994, some 32,000 AT&T employees stayed home. They weren†t sick or on strike. They were telecommuting. Employees ranging from the CEO to phone operators were part of an experiment that involved 100,000 people. It†s purpose? To explore how far a vast organization could go in transforming the workplace by moving the work to the worker instead of the worker to work. Today AT&T is just one of many organizations pioneering the alternative workplace (AW-also known as telecommuting) – the combination of nontraditional work practices, settings, and locations that is beginning to supplement traditional offices (Apgar, 121). According to IDC/Link Resources, New York, approximately 8 million Americans currently telecommute. A survey conducted by Olsten Corp., Melville, N.Y., reports that 62 percent of North American companies encourage telecommuting (Riggs, 46). In addition, research shows about 50% of all employees either have a job that lends itself to telecommuting or want to get involved in telecommuting. Most researchers agree that telecommuting growth is fastest in companies employing more than 1,000 and in those with under 10 employees (Harler, 26). Telecommuting came into existence out of necessity. First, increasing global competition has brought pressures and opportunities to businesses, consultants, and service vendors. As a result, the Yankee Group predicts that as many as 80 percent of all employers will have to adopt remote work in order to compete in world markets by mid-to late nineties (Manire, 51). Second, the Information Age necessitates that companies move faster and thus act and react to business conditions sooner. Third, telecommuting has been increasingly enforced at state and federal levels due to the Clean Air Act (CAA) of 1970, as amended in 1990. The CAA affects any firm with over 100 employees in areas with â€Å"severe ozone attainment levels†, which covers every good-sized city in the nation (Harler, 27). The Impact of the Internet on Telecommuting The Internet is widely becoming part of the plan when implementing and integrating telecommuting solutions. The Internet can add a powerful dimension to the management of both internal and external information functions and strengthen the organization†s human resource management information systems. Communicating Internally. The Internet is redefining how we communicate at all organizational levels – with individuals, teams and groups, and the corporation†s entire labor force (Kuzmits and Santos, 35). While the Internet is not about to eliminate phones, fax machines, or the U.S. postal service, it will gradually wean us from our reliance on traditional forms of communication, and will reduce the need to conduct one of the biggest time-wasters: face-to-face meetings. This can be effectively achieved by using e-mail, which reduces toll charges on phone calls and rounds of frustrating attempts via voice mail. Internet â€Å"phones†, while limited, currently allows for free communication without the toll charges of traditional phone networks (Kuzmits and Santos, 36). Communicating Externally. With the Internet†s links to millions of computers across the world, human resource professionals can now tap into a rich array of external information resources. There are numerous links to human resources and management associations, consultants, research organizations, and local, state, and federal government organizations. Publishers of human resource information and journals are also on the Internet, providing an important source of articles on current human resources issues and trends (Kuzmits and Santos, 37). Telecommuting provides many benefits to both employers and employees. Telecommuting increase productivity, decrease office space (and thus fixed costs), improved morale, and absenteeism. Disabled workers can benefit enormously from working at home, and can save companies some of the costs of in-depth compliance with the American Disabilities Act (Harler, 27). In addition, the following benefits could be derived: Achievement of the balance between work and personal time Geographic dispersion of staff resources (Berhard, 22). Implements a means to distribute resources strategically and accommodate customers with measurable satisfaction ratios (Berhard, 22). Achieve new levels of operational efficiency Contemporary trend toward executive management using remote connectivity for video conferencing and global access to mission-critical application systems (Berhard, 22). Gives companies an edge in vying for – and keeping – talented, highly motivated employees. In addition, compensation will eventually be changed to reflect the new work environment. The valued role of incentive rewards may increase as a result of the extra hours that employees are now clocking (Hein, 9). Closer teamwork and greater flexibility (Apgar, 127). Value that employees place on increased personal time and control (Apgar, 127). There are also numerous issues and disadvantages to telecommuting that human resources should be aware of and anticipate. Among these include: Human Resources should be able to handle ending an AW relationship, especially if the company feels it must eliminate a person from its program for poor performance. There is difficulty in anticipating deterioration in the employee†s at-home situation. For example, a divorce can result in the company losing an established office address, phone and fax number. What processes is or should be in place to assure invoices or work documents delivered to the former home are forwarded to the new location? Cost considerations for the telecommuter go above the basic infrastructure requirement. Integrating telecommuting into the corporate culture involves cautiously estimating personnel considerations, support issues, long-term investment strategy and productivity standards. Higher recurring expenses and a steeper cost impact to support remote computing. Corporations must start investing capital dollars in security economics-the analyzed loss of corporate information as a result of data piracy. Proper planning and careful review of security procedures helps corporations overcome this problem. The alternative workplace provides both tremendous tangible and intangible benefits. However, as most economists would point out, â€Å"There†s no such thing as a free lunch†. There are many human resources problems and issues that must be addressed before telecommuting can be optimally and positively impacted. Examining the Obstacles to Telecommuting First, companies wishing to utilize telecommuting should uncover any potential obstacles that could deter or impact its effectiveness. During the planning process for telecommuting, it is important to brainstorm to uncover any possible problems or threats. In addition, access to the Internet, inappropriate transmission of potentially offensive materials and electronic mail are also concerns for companies wishing to deploy telecommuting should address (Courtenay, 67). Among the potential obstacles that must be overcome include ingrained behaviors, cultural and system improvements, and legal and tax ramifications. Ingrained behaviors and practical hurdles make telecommuting hard to implement (Apgar, 121). This may result in employees who will resist the effort to this new paradigm. A special concern for human resources should be old-line managers. Old-line managers are one of the biggest obstacles to the alternative workplace. The problem is they manage by observation, not by results (Harler, 27). Managing both the cultural changes and the system improvements required by and AW initiative are substantial (Apgar, 121). Human Resources must â€Å"retool† to support the new type of employee. For example, at Levi Strauss. A family task force was created to assist in reconciling between work and family life. The task force was formed to examine the changing needs of employees in terms of flex time, part-time jobs and other issues. The task force, which meets monthly, is chaired by the CEO, a fact that underscores its credibility and organizational priority (Riggs, 47). Among the system improvements include time management. Managers in an AW environment, particularly one in which employees work from a distance, must also pay close attention to time management. Failure to do so will severely impact the workflow of a telecommuter (Apgar, 128). Companies should look at the legal and tax ramifications of a corporate telecommuting program. Among those legal issues that must be addressed include insurance, liability and workers compensation, and local legal and union issues. What would happen if company owned property is stolen or damaged from a worker†s home? Does the worker†s homeowners insurance cover it, or does the employer? While liability and workers compensation is a concern for employers, the issues have not been totally defined, and therefore not worth of much worry. In addition, court cases have not defined this area (Harler, 28). When companies research local legal issues, they should particularly look at zoning in the employee†s hometown. Some condominium bylaws, for example, forbid working out of the home (Harler, 28).

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Describe Place

Kelas Reguler Pagi dan Sore Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris I Dosen : Restu Arini, S. Pd. Prodi : Semua Prodi Hari/Tanggal : Senin, 19 Nopember 2012 (Reg Sore) Selasa, 20 Nopember 2012 (Reg Pagi) Sifat : Take-Home Test Read the instruction carefully You are going to make video on your oral performance for Mid Test Project. The videos are based on the four topics we have discussed in classroom meeting (see the explanation in the box). The video can be made by using any recording media such as hand phone, handy cam, camera, etc which then should be compiled in one CD.You have got about 3 to 10 minutes to present each topic. Label your CD with your name, student number, and major. You are to submit the CD on the exam date. Read the explanation below of how you make t his project: Topic 1 : Introducing Yourself You must introduce yourself by mentioning the following things in your video; Introduce Your Name/Surname; describe Your Education Background; describe Your Competency; Describe Your Prospective Career; Describe Your Hobby, Your family, things you are doing and etc. You are allowed to add more information in order to make your vide o more interesting.Please go to these links to get better idea about how to deal with this topic: http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=CZCfTX oRzg&feature=autoplay&list=PLA7C7BF7961EB4606&playnext=2 http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=jiUdDxGlxvI http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=etIpPH5CEdA&feature=related Topic 2 : Description of People Read a biography book about famous people/group of people of any kind of professions (the person you are chosen might be an athlete, a musician, a comedian, a politician or even activists). The book can be written in English or in Bahasa Indonesia.An article taken from internet is not acceptable. Having finished reading the book you must make a description about him/her/them, in the following ways: ? The physical appearance ? The quality of the person using P-M-I Chart (see tool #1) Plus = you are about telling the quality of the person from the positive or good side. Minus = you are to discuss the person’s bad points. Interesting = you are to reveal the things or personality which made this person interesting, in other word his/her charisma or charm. Use the P-M-I Chart as a guideline to make your summary on the biography book you read.In the video, you do not have to show me the P-M-I Chart. You will be scored based on certain requirement (see Scoring Rubric #1) Please go to these links to get better idea about how to deal with this topic: http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=vVeojbg_JgI Arini. MidProject. English1. 2012 1 http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=tMMmJqh4qek http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=sqt_IbqJOLg http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=GrqEANtMqYo Topic 3 : Description of Object Choose an object of the following category: Furniture /Kitchen tools / Electronic Stuff s/ Vehicles / Office Equipments/Music InstrumentsMake a description on the object you choose. Give as detail information as possible. Go to these link to have clear idea about this topic: http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=H1mAtWACONM http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=kiyNYWGL-yg Topic 4 : Description of Place Choose two places to describe. The first is your hometown or place where you were born or place where you grew up. The second will be the place you are eager to visit. Here you may describe a specific place related to your dream or ambition. For example; you have a plan to continue study after finishing your bachelor degree.MidProject. English1. 2012 2 Scoring Rubric #1 (for description of people) 4 (standard of excellence) ? Develop detailed and convincing observation for each of three categories Identifies own conclusion and provides convincing and detailed rationale for choice ? Information is accurate, detailed, well, organized and presented with clarity 3 ( Exceed ? Develops convincing observation for each of the three categories acceptable ? Identifies own conclusion and provides detailed rationale for choice standard) ? Information is accurate and organized 2 ( meets ? Develop basic observation for each of the three categories acceptable ? Identifies own conclusion and provide rationale for choice standard) ? Information is accurate 1 ( needs improved ?Observation are incomplete and /or incorrect to meet acceptable ? Identifies own conclusion but does not explain rationale standard) ? Information is inaccurate, vague or missing Scoring Rubric #2 (for description of object and places) 4 (standard of excellence) ? Identifies multiple convincing and insightful examples of what a specific trait looks like/sound like/feels like ? Uses precise and detailed vocabulary to support description of examples 3 ( Exceed acceptable standard) ? Identifies multiple convincing examples of what a specific trait looks like/sound like/feels like Uses detailed vocabulary to support description of examples 2 ( meets acceptable standard) ? Identifies appropriate examples of what a specific trait looks like/sound like/feels like ? Uses appropriate vocabulary to support description of examples 1 ( needs improved to meet acceptable standard) ? Identifies examples of what a specific trait looks like/sound like/feels like that are erroneous or inappropriate ? Uses vocabulary that is vague and /or is incorrect Good Luck Arini. MidProject. English1. 2012 3

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Strategies for Avoiding Plagiarism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Strategies for Avoiding Plagiarism - Essay Example One can use the resources of other people to paraphrase, summarize, copy words, phrases or sentences in his or her work. Therefore, writers should fully acknowledge the source of the resource used for clear citation through in-citation or bibliography in order to avoid plagiarism There are various strategies that writers use to avoid plagiarism in their work. The first strategy widely used by academic writers to avoid plagiarism is proper documentation of resources used in their contents. Content documentation refers to the acknowledgment of authors of academic work used in developing one's work. The writer documents the authors of resources such as books, articles, blogs, newspaper posts, essays, magazines, songs, and artworks. Documentation is the safest and appropriate strategy to avoid plagiarism completely. Secondly, academic writers employ another strategy of proper planning before beginning to write academic work. Planning is an important step to make while writing academic papers and presentations since it ensures that one utilizes resources effectively and acknowledges authors adequately. Proper planning also enhances proper choice of works, ideas, statements and phrase to use in the content of the work being produced. Planning for academic writing involves adequate resource search, analysis of identified sources in accordance with the topic discussed and selection of the most appropriate resources to use in executing the academic writing process. Therefore, proper planning is an important strategy used by the writer to avoid writing mistakes such as plagiarism. The two strategies of avoiding plagiarism identified have different impact and importance in the academic writing process. In a comparison of these strategies, both strategies enable writers to avoid plagiarism in the work.  

Friday, September 27, 2019

Final paper Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Final paper - Assignment Example hat practice stakeholder capitalism do not necessarily promote the interest of shareholders, but rather give reconsiderations to the diverse interests expressed by all the stakeholders (BÃ ©land & Cox, 2011). Stakeholder capitalism allows businesses to focus on long-term economic decision-making. The basis of Stakeholder capitalism is contrary to shareholder capitalism, which focuses on profit maximization. Stakeholder capitalism is common in Germany and Japan because corporate governance does not rely on the rights of private property as promoted in the shareholder model of capitalism. Businesses that rely on Stakeholder capitalism are more likely to have a positive reputation because they make decisions that promote the interests of different parties. De-commodification focuses on analyzing the extent to which social welfare minimizes the market dependence of the people. Therefore, de-commodification can only become a reality when people receive services as their rights without unnecessary dependence on the market. Moreover, the people must be able to sustain a livelihood without exhibiting any measure of dependence on the markets. For this reason, social welfare should ensure that people do not necessarily need to actively participate in market relationships for them to access necessities. Notably, de-commodification promotes the provision of necessities outside the labor market mechanisms. De-commodification has outstanding benefits to workers and individuals because it can raise their collective power. The concept of de-commodification was developed recently, a factor that explains why there is a lack of definitive descriptions of the concept (Hall & Soskice, 2001). However, many people understand the concept of giving citizen s a measure of freedom to quit work without facing risks such as lack of income or loss of jobs. Moreover, the fact that people do not have to rely on labor markets to access necessities promotes their wellbeing. Disintermediation is a

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Research methods Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Research methods - Assignment Example Besides, secondary materials are also going to be used to find out the requirements needed for the establishment of the facility among these, the historical background on tourism and hospitality development in the region, prospects in the development of the small scale hotels and bars in the region as well as the consumption trends and potentials of the people intended to use the facility upon its inception. An increasing trend has been purported in the United Kingdom over the last few years as a result of the rising trends in development and financial development in the region. The United Kingdom has been receiving a lot of international as well as regional attention as a destination for various persons and groups. Pegged on the fact that all persons visiting the united kingdom either on routine basis or occasionally has to stop over at some point for refreshment as well as for meals, establishing such a facility will be great option to generate money and build income base in the tourism sector. Tourism and hospitality sector has been experiences a booming demand in the region with the highest levels of demands registered during international and regional fairs such as during the United Kingdom’s public holidays and family days among others. Besides UK has been growing rapidly as an international destination for international fairs, conferences and workshops where several people always gather to participate in such related events and activities. Most of the big hotels and internationally recognized leisure and hospitality places in the region are very expensive offering classy services and accomplishments. These places are therefore not suitable for the quick- go services seekers who would want to take a little moment of their times for a stop over meals and drinks while on transit. There is therefore a big and prospective market for the restaurant and bar developers here given their limited number in some crucial points common

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Computer Methods Math Problem Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Computer Methods - Math Problem Example S' will be computed by finding T - S, so S' = { (1, 1), (2, 1), (2, 2) } Question 2 1. a) Using the following propositions h: it is humid c: it is cloudy and d: it is raining express the following logical expressions in good English. i) (hc)r ii) (rh)c b) Assuming and S is a set of lectures and the and the predicatesL(x): x is a lecturer and A(x): x is articulate write the following sentences in symbolic form i) Larry is an articulate lecturer. ii) There is a lecturer who is not articulate. iii) Not every lecturer is articulate. What is the relationship between predicates (ii) and (iii) c) Determine the truth table for (pq)(pq) State whether this expression is contingency, a contradiction or a tautology. Solution a) i) (hc)r the atmosphere is humid cloudy and it is not raining ii) (rh)c if atmosphere is raining or humid then atmosphere is cloudy. b) (i) Larry is an articulate lecturer. L(Larry) A(Larry) (ii) There is a lecturer who is not articulate. To solve this we will use the concept of universal quantifiers $(x) Which means that a statement is true for all values of x. Now the statement in symbolic form is: "(x)[L(x) 'A(x)]' Which means that "it is not true that all the lecturers are articulate". So in this sense this predicate describes that "there are some lecturers who are not articulate" (iii) Not every lecturer is articulate. "(x)[L(x) 'A(x)]' The relationship between last two predicates is that these define same thing i.e. "Not every lecturer is articulate" does not ever means that " All the lecturer are not articulate" it could mean...And all the points that are not common in any set are placed in circles where no intersection is occurring. The relationship between last two predicates is that these define same thing i.e. "Not every lecturer is articulate" does not ever means that " All the lecturer are not articulate" it could mean that "There are some lecturers who are not articulate" so we can not use universal quantifiers for this predicate hence it means that "Not every lecture is articulate but there are some that can be articulate" so in this sense of interpretation last two predicates are same.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Laura Mericer Cosmetics Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Laura Mericer Cosmetics - Research Proposal Example It was 1996 when Mericer developed an own line which was designed to suit women of all the ages and all skin types. The specificity of her products is that their color themes are based on classic palette and usually don’t follow the seasonal trends – according to Laura’s vision classics is always in fashion. Currently Laura’s products are available in more than six hundred stores of twenty four countries all over the world, and the line has developed and grown to include skincare, bath, body, and fragrance lines. The founder of the line spends much time traveling, making public appearances at such stores as Neiman Marcus and Henri Bendel among others. She spends most of the free time in New York City or Paris. Currently among her clients are Cameron Diaz, Oprah Winfrey, Julia Roberts, and Mariah Carey to name a few. All of Laura’s artists were gaining experience through backstage access, editorial work or television before joining her team. She hires only experienced and creative individuals in order to provide clients with the best qualified service and the brand with those to continue the tradition of excellence. The preference is always given to diversified people experienced in cosmetics industry and with a successful track record. The images presented by the artist are those carrying confidence in oneself combined with lightness and some shades of glamour.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Gender and Communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Gender and Communication - Essay Example According to her, sex differences in the modern society replicate and dole out the principle of "survival of the fittest" as demonstrated by Darwin. The utility of the book in serving the purpose of feminist thinking is various and it is a well-timed book,as the gender roles on contemporary campus are conflictedandoften contentious. The ultimate value of the book is its message to the students: "What genderandculturewill mean in the future is up to you."(Wood, 1995, p. 310) One of the most corresponding questions the present genderandcultureissue relates to theEqual Rights Amendment(ERA) and the question is if the once unsuccessful proposed amendment to theUS Constitution needs to be passed. It is most significant to ensure the equal rights to men and women in the modern world which gives foremost role to feminist ideas and in particular in America, the leading civilized nation of the day. The value of passing the Equal Rights Amendment(ERA) would have been far reaching as it sounds the material, pragmatic consequences of how women and men live, work, and interact, apart from being symbolic in nature. That is to say, ERA cannot be considered as a movement just for the sake of some constitutional rights. It had a wider application as it reflected the far-reaching question of cultural dominance in the modern society. "Like the suffrage campaign a century earlier," writes Rhode, "the ERA struggle presented issues not only of constitutional entitlements, but also of cultural dominance. The question was whose vision of women's destiny should prevail and on what terms." (Rhode, 1989, p. 63) Of course, the efforts of the ERA struggle aimed at material, pragmatic consequences in that its supporters wished to determine how women and men live, work, and interact. The ultimate result of such efforts would be that the women can enjoy equality and freedom along with men which will be supported by the constitution. However, the symbolic nature of the amendment suggests the real value of passing the ERA - the cultural question of the issue would be addressed at its best. It is important to comprehend that the actual intention of the constitutional interference in the form ERA was not to impose any ultimate changes in the existing power structure and a valid question needs to be clearly answered here. If the ERA would not necessitate any real changes, then what is the justification for opposing it Though it was initially presented with the utmost interest, the ERA incited intermittent legislative disputes and disagreement. Public opinion polls suggested that an unyielding bulk of the Americans supported the amendments, though many of them were not aware of its expected consequences. Significantly, this growth in the support for ERA was reasonable as well as ironic considering the governmental actions. In the background of the propagation of state and federal statues, executive orders, and judicial verdicts forbidding sex discrimination, the need for constitutional provision of equal rights of women was limited and so the logic in the opposition of ERA was limited as well. The opposition of E

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Lesson plan Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Lesson plan - Assignment Example My lesson plan is divided into different levels of learning aims at effective and continual understanding of chemistry thereby making every student to develop the subject understanding continually. Grouping of students deliberately allows them to share skills they have learnt. Notably, students have different levels of understanding; therefore, sharing leant knowledge and skills will facilitate a deeper understanding of the subject. Properly developed lesson plan also provides self-regulation towards developing decision-making interventions as learning strategies. Effective strategies should ensure that consistency successful learning process. However, the early stages in learning new topic, novices often provide limited learning strategies (Teacher Created Resources, Inc., 2006). In such cases, a well-planned lesson plan must provide various strategies. In handling this matter, my lesson plan has deployed different way of explaining factors of the experiment including the use of examples. Finally, my lesson plan employs or incorporates the use of deliberate practice to ensure that students concentrate during the learning process. This process ensures that learning is monitored, and feedbacks are provided during the learning practice (Teacher Created Resources, Inc., 2006). My lesson plan has incorporated the use of deliberate practice using the graffiti walls. The pre-assessment graffiti wall will allow students to expose what they have learned during the lesson while the post graffiti assessment shall assess the according to their level of performance and proficiency. In additional, these assessments will enable me to evaluate students and help them address their

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Government control Essay Example for Free

Government control Essay There are many challenges that have to be faced by humanity in the twenty first century. Some of these challenges are major that have to be addressed immediately while there are some challenges that do not require immediate action. The stronger nations are somehow able to tackle some issues but still there are some issues that are difficult to handle. However, the smaller and the weaker countries that lack finances find it difficult to come up with solutions to these 21st century problems. Diversity and unity Diversity is one of the major issues that need attention as people are moving from their native countries to other countries where they find better opportunities. Diversity means differences in cultures, beliefs and habits that create a mixture of cultures. Here, the issue is to maintain harmony amongst the people belonging to different cultures and so it is essential to ensure that harmony does not collapse. Besides diversity, unity is also one major challenges that have to be worked upon and since one country has many different cultures residing in it, maintaining unity is indeed something difficult to achieve. Today, there is an influx of people who have become selfish and they have opted for individualistic approach that has further spoilt the society. Other problems that can be seen are communalism, regionalism and the increase in the rate of violence that is directly and indirectly affecting the value system of the world. Technological advancements Technological advancements have greatly affected the world and are serving as a major challenge. Since these advancements are taking place at a very fast pace, all the nations are trying hard to keep pace with this and for the weaker nations, this serves as a Herculean task to achieve the goals. The first and the foremost thing that has to be done to cure this is to spread literacy and to make everyone educated. It should not be the aim to get degrees and diplomas but the real essence of education should be understood as this will further lead the people to expand their knowledge, wisdom and to develop positive attitudes. However, it is not just important to educate the people but it is also essential to provide with opportunities to the people so that they can use their talents but this is also serving as a major challenge as many people remain unemployed despite of being educated. Industrialization As progress is taking place, industrialization is increasing rapidly and the natural resources are being consumed at a very high rate. Moreover, increase in pollution is also evident and this can bring adverse affects on the people and the environment especially if no action is taken to cure this problem. There are many other strategic challenges that will be faced in the 21st century and most them are caused due to the changes in styles of businesses that have now introduced. Previously, the marketers used to sell one product to the entire market but today, the customers have become more intelligent and savvy and they seek for customer value and since all the companies are battling against each other to grab the share of their piece of cake, it is hard to achieve targets easily as it was done previously. Market volatility has increased and rate at which organizational change is taking place is high and all these changes have a dramatic affect on the business strategies that are made and implemented. When the business needs are changing, it is also a must that there are changes occurring in the requirement of human input too. Employing the right workforce One of the strategic challenges being faced by the companies is the employment of the human resources. The management has to ensure that it employs the workforce that is not only efficient but effective too. However, there are some factors that affect the global instability and there is a huge global impact and people are entering in high numbers in the market that makes it hard for the social arrangement to sustain. Other than this, there is a very vast pool of human resources that are being wasted and this means that the human beings who are being employed are not able to work at their full potential as they not employed in a productive manner. Moreover, more and more people are added to the entire human workforce each year because of which there is a high pressure on the institutions and on the resources. Wastage of resources The non-human resources that are available to the human beings are being wasted at a very high rate. Both the renewable and non-renewable resources are not being fully utilized and are exploited and if this continues, the people will not be left with anything in the future. The environment is having a very negative impact on it because of the human activities that are taking place. The technological explosions are one of the most dangerous as well as costly damage to the society. Other disruptions that are serving as 21st century challenges are air pollution, soil pollution as well as depletion and desertification. Besides this, deforestation and misuse of water are two other factors that are serving as great challenges and if they will not be controlled, this can lead to major problems in the future. Biospheric disruption is another major challenge that needs attention. Despite of the fact that these are unavoidable, we can at least lessen the destruction that can be caused by the natural disasters that includes the climatic, geological, meteorological and space-oriented disasters. Global warming and ozone loss are climatic, earthquakes and eruptions are geological, floods, storms and droughts are meteorological while asteroids are space-oriented. Human insecurity Human insecurity is also a major challenge and this also leading to global unrest due to the violence that is persisting in the world and inter-human combat is occurring due to the ethnic and religious differences. Moreover, hazardous frustration has to be reduced and since the weapons are being created, they are being used as well and since there is an increase in unemployment, terrorism is increasing in the society. People have to fulfill their basic needs without which survival is more than impossible because of which they are doing crime. Due to this, the crime rate is increasing and is leading to unrest in the society and also affecting world peace. The numbers of extremists are increasing day by day and drug dealers have also outnumbered because of which the youngsters are getting immune to drug usage and are doing crime. Medical challenges Countering the medical challenges also needs immediate action and there are two main trends that are causing increase in health concerns. Firstly, both the people and the things are moving and this has caused transfer of various kinds of diseases that the other people are getting from the humans and from the animals. Even the animals that have some kind of disease are a major threat of spreading diseases. Moreover, the animals that are consumed by the human beings are getting diseases such as bird fly and mad cow disease and if any animal suffering from any such disease is consumed by the human being, it will create serious problems for that individual. Secondly, people are using antibiotics at a very high rate and this has produced more resistant mutations. For this, tighter preventives and control measures are required to ensure human security. Rules and laws A global rule is lacking in the world and so it is serving as a challenge to the society as the world is lacking universal rules and these should be created so that global standards are formed. Today, the world has become a global village and for this it is essential for it to have some universal laws and regulations that must be followed by all the countries. However, the international law must keep pace with interdependence as well. Therefore, global rights must be developed and should also be accepted and implemented by the society. It is argued by some governments that human rights are based on the cultures but universally there should be one common ground or code on the basis of which a norm should be developed. Migration Compared to the previous years, the rate of migration has greatly increased and people are looking for more opportunities outside their home country. It has indeed become difficult to handle all these immigrations and to provide jobs to the people who are moving to the other countries such as United States, UK, Canada and Australia. There are refugees too, who are forced to move out of their own countries and these people have to be settled in other countries where they move. These people create problems when they move to other countries and this is resulting in increase in the global issues that have to be dealt on a global level only. Financial money transfers and trade It has also become difficult to maintain global financial checks and since the number of financial transfers is increasing day by day, the role the government plays and the government control is reduced. Moreover, it also threatens the stability of the currencies and so it is suggested to apply certain percentage of taxes on such transfers. International trade is also growing but it is creating new problems for which negotiation has to be done between the trading countries. Moreover, regulation and adjustment is also needed to keep things smooth. The World Trade Organization ensures that it deals with the rapidly growing trade in a proper manner; however there are still some challenges that have to be met. Trade of services is also growing and the world has to face chronic problems with agricultures and other issues such as problems related to international investment. Corruption has also increased at a major rate and this has also become a major challenge to the world trade. There are many economic agreements that are treated globally and they are becoming more and more complex with the increase in trade. Taxing of international trade has become an issue as well and negotiations have to be made to come up to a common stand. Conclusion Due to all the problems that are being faced by the human beings, the rate of global distress is accelerating day by day and this is leading to serious problems. People become frustrated and hopeless due to the current situation. Income divergence is also increasing between nations and this challenge must be addressed immediately. All the 21st century problems that have been talked about above are sociological, philosophical, economic, historical, and geological and they relate to the human activities in some or the other way. The goal of the human beings should always be to minimize the threat that they get from these challenges if they cannot fully be removed. Moreover, the people should be educated about these disasters and challenges and they should be told about the ways they can adopt to reduce any negative impact created by the human activities. Besides this, backup plans should be made to ensure that the destruction is dealt properly and results in least problems. Work Cited Ciulla, Joanne. B. The Working Life: The Promise and Betrayal of Modern Work. 1st Edn. Crown Business / Times Books, 2000. Colwin, Laurie. Goodbye Without Leaving. Harper Perennial, 2000. Hochschild, Arlie. R. The Commercialization of Intimate Life: Notes from Home and Work. University of California Press, 2003. IMF. (2006). Meeting the Challenges of 21st Century Globalization: The Medium-Term Strategy of the IMF. June 4th, 2010. Retrieved from: http://www. imf. org/external/np/speeches/2006/090806. htm

Friday, September 20, 2019

Examining The Changing Media Scene In India Media Essay

Examining The Changing Media Scene In India Media Essay INTRODUCTION The media scene in India is changing very fast, especially in the past decade. On one hand, new media are emerging and affecting the existing ones. On the other hand, the consumption patterns of the media users are also undergoing a lot of transformations. Post independence, the development of media was rather slow and unexciting. For twenty five years after independence, the growth of media such as print, cinema and radio followed a gradual and uneventful path, progressing slowly and steadily. Pressures of urbanization, growing literacy and development in technology did not affect the media significantly. The scenario was such a sad one that neither inter nor intra- media competition existed. This obviously translated into the fact that there was no strategy or planning on the part of the media. Essentially media marketing itself was an alien concept for most of the newspaper owners and the sole television operator Doordarshan. The first strains of change on this static environment were observed in the early eighties. These changes were introduced through technology: the development of grafting techniques in press and in electronics. The implications were two fold. On the first level, the reach of media was expanded and on the second level, the people were given more choice. Introduction of glossies among print titles, the expansion of the television network, establishing a radio commercial channel suddenly made life more exciting and entertaining for the vast majority of the urbanites. It was now, for the first time, that audiences were getting segmented by the titles introduced, new markets were opening up and a large number of people were coming under the media exposure. Another interesting fact during this time was the development of a new relationship between the media and the audiences. Media patterns changed once again when sponsored programs on television became a regular feature. This initiative, along with the development and popularity of home videos changed the entire equation. People stopped frequenting cinemas, since the same films were conveniently available at home. Magazine readership also declined in favor of videos. Television, however, maintained its regular set of viewers during the period. It became a veritable obsession with the people. Programs such as the Mahabharat and the Ramayan were the opium of the masses. Now, television delivered important audience segments such as women, the rural affluent and children. At about the same time, easy access to technology and developing markets pushed publishers to add on new editions as well as supplements. THE GLOBAL BEGINNING Another change in the media environment came with the Invasion of the Skies in the early nineties. Satellite television found its way into India through CNN and the Star Network during the Gulf War. The monopoly of Doordarshan came to an end and there were multiple channels, giving the Indian viewer a choice of programs he had never been exposed to before. This, needless to say, introduced heavy competition among the channels and thus the programs contents also improved. Finally, Doordarshan had to deal with the fact that it was not the king of the skies any more: for the first time in India, the television viewer had the choice of deciding what to watch from over 50 channels. Faced with heavy competition, it had to revamp and introduce new channels in the metros and in regional areas. The competition became intense even within the satellite television players with the influx of regional channels and more and more international quality programming. It was realized that only those players who can adopt a market-savvy, strategic approach to differentiate their programming from the rest shall be able survive the media jungle. Developments in wireless technologies and their decreasing costs have created opportunities for faster deployment of telecommunications services. This speed is critical for developing countries especially in rural areas, as the role of telecommunications in development is more significant for them. The uptake of wireless technologies has been rapid in most developing countries. For the most part, these have been cellular networks that operate in the licensed bands. The unparalleled growth of mobile service (operating in licensed bands) in almost all countries of the world has been driven by both technology as well as deregulation. While the rapid spread of such networks is unprecedented, it has so far been limited to urban and semi-urban areas. Satellite Instructional Television Experiment (SITE): It is considered to be one of the biggest techno-social communication experiments in education and rural development. The one-year experiment (August 1975 July 1976) aimed to provide direct broadcasting of instructional and educational television in 2400 villages in the states of Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Orissa and Rajasthan. Over 500 conventional television sets spread over 335 villages in Kheda district, Gujarat was also part of SITE. Satellite technologists had called SITE as leapfrogging from bullock cart stage to satellite communication, which did not discriminate between rural poor and urban rich for information and communication. It had given 50 years communication lead to rural poor of the country. SITE provided telecast for rural primary school children in the age group 5 12 years studying in grades 1-5. Rural adults viewed television programs on improved agricultural practices, health and family planning. They were also able to view news. Television was considered as window to the world. Both quantitative (survey) and qualitative in-depth (anthropological holistic study) evaluation indicated modest gains in some areas, whereas no gain or negative gain in other areas. The one-year duration was thought to be too little for any positive results. Based on the experiences and positive gains, INSAT satellite was launched in 1981. Since then a series of INSAT satellites have been launched and used for nationwide television telecast for education and deve lopment. The sad part is that, in spite of best efforts, satellite television has been used for entertainment more than rural development. The other research says that access to satellite TV is of surprising value to the lives of rural Indian women and villagers in general. School enrolment among girls, family planning, hygiene, awareness about diseases and many more such milestones have been achieved by the electronic media. The newly wired women also has become less accepting of spousal abuse, a bias in favor of having boys declined, and they look more likely to be able to spend money without a husbands permission. However, shows on satellite TV tend to focus on urban areas, where womens status is higher and are shown leading extravagant lifestyles. The rural people are not able to associate with those programs and shows. Customization as per rural needs has recently begun and has been appreciated even by the urban crowd. People are getting exposed to a set of attitudes that are more liberal, that are more favorable toward women, and they are changing their minds in response to that. Change is inevitable. Government h as taken initiatives to start many such programs to generate awareness, some ran for years, others could never come out of papers and the rest bombed after the take off. Few project initiatives were: Project Project Partners Outcomes Country wide classrooms UGC, CEC and 17 other universities where media centers are located 10,000 programs produced and telecast on National TV till date School Television in India CIET and 6 state Institutes of Educational Technology Programs produced and run on national TV till date Gyan Darshan HRD, IB, Prasar Bharti, IGNOU The program runs 24 hrs and is handled by IGNOU Gyan Vani Reached out to backward communities, distant education and counseling Namma Dhwani (voices) UNESCO Educational and development oriented informal programs Gujarat Community Radio Kutch Mahila Vikas Sangathan, DMC, Ahmedabad Non- formal education and social issues, esp. for women Jhabua Development Communication Program ISOR, GoMP Literacy, health and non- formal education, watershed management RADIO AS A MEDIUM Radio, as a mass medium, is particularly suited to communicate in the local dialect and idiom, thereby establishing a personal connection between the broadcaster and the listener. That has not, however, been achieved in India because of the bureaucratic stranglehold on radio. Development, as a process meant to empower the poor, reduce exploitation, and oppression by those having economic, social, and political power. It also means an equitable sharing of resources, improved health care and education for all. One of the major components and driving force of rural development is communication. Conventionally, communication includes electronic media, human communication now information technology (IT). All forms of communications have dominated the development scene in which its persuasive role has been most dominant within the democratic political framework of the country. Persuasive communication for rural development has been given highest priority for bringing about desirable socia l and behavioral change among the most vulnerable rural poor and women. Initially, the approach lacked gender sensitivity and empathy of the communicators and development agents who came from urban elite homes. Added to these constraints is political will that still influences the pace and progress of rural development. Communication has been seen by a large number of development planners as a panacea for solving major social ills and problems. Apart from development, the introduction of communication in the educational process for open and distance learning is seen as step towards improving the quality of education and bridging the social and educational gap (Agrawal 1993). However, experience indicates that those rich who could afford to have access to private resources have hogged the advantage whether development or education. In this respect, it seems that communication technology has, in no way has helped the poor for improving their socio-economic condition. ALL INDIA RADIO (AIR) India presents huge challenges to any broadcasting institution that aspires to serve the whole nation. All India Radio (AIR), the state-run monopoly, was expected to take these challenges on and help build a modern nation state with an egalitarian social democracy. Approximately 303 news bulletins are aired daily, of which 93 are intended for national listeners, whereas regional stations originate 135 news bulletins daily. In addition, there are special bulletins on sports, youth, and other major events, such as the annual Haj to Mecca by Muslims or the Kumbh Mela in Allahabad. More than 80 stations in the AIR network broadcast radio dramas in various languages. Forty percent of the broadcast time, however, is set aside for classical, light, folk, and film music. The External Service, set up to act as a cultural ambassador, airs 65 news bulletins in 16 foreign and eight Indian languages. In addition, magazine programs on sports and literature; talk shows on sociopolitical-economic is sues; and classical, folk, and modern Indian music from different regions of the country are broadcast. But the results have not been that healthy, the reasons being many folds. AIRs heavily bureaucratic ways have been the major impediment to innovation and creativity. In a highly pluralistic society with incredible linguistic, caste, and class differences, AIR has attempted not to offend any group. Controversial social and community welfare issues take a back seat while popular film music dominates. Regional language radio stations beam programs to the whole state in a formal dialect, which renders it stiff and official. As a consequence, most people find AIR boring. Radio for Rural Development: Popularly known as Radio Farm Forum, it was one of the earliest efforts in the use of radio for rural development. The experiment was carried out from February to April 1956 in five districts of Maharashtra State by All India Radio (AIR). Rural listener groups were organized, who would listen to radio broadcasts twice a week at 6.30 p.m. for half an hour. The group then stayed together for discussion of what they had heard, the discussion lasted usually, about half an hour. The summative impact evaluation indicated positive outcome of radio rural forum. Impressive knowledge gains as a result of radio listening were reported across illiterates and literates, agriculturists and non-agriculturists, village leaders and others. However, over a period of time the project withered away and could not be operationalized for large-scale implementation in one form or the other. Lack of political will and indifference of bureaucracy killed the rural development proje ct even before it could help poor to take advantage of radio broadcast. Satellite radio for education EDUSAT, according to the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), is the first exclusive satellite for serving the educational sector. The satellite has multiple regional beams covering different parts of India, which theoretically enables programs to be broadcast in relevant local languages EDUSAT can provide connectivity to schools, colleges and higher levels of education and also support non-formal education including developmental communication. But it is a matter of concern that, over a year after the satellite was launched, much of its capacity is lying idle. Community Radio Initiative: In post media liberalization phase, Government of India, announced the policy for community radio broadcasting which was expected to focus on issues relating to education, health, environment, agriculture, rural and community development. In the absence of true community radio in India, a number of NGOs are using innovative methods for non-formal education through audio. School Audio through cable has been in operation in Budhikote village, Karnataka, since January 2002. The School Audio project is a spin-off of the Namma Dhwani cable audio service. In the Kutch region of Gujarat, the Kutch Mahila Vikas Sangathan (KMVS), an independent organization of rural women, focuses on adolescent girls education, basic functional literacy within sangathan members and development of context specific educational curricula on different issues for literates and neo-literates. Shivpuri, MP launched a radio station, Dharkan 107.8 FM, to give educational messages through humor featuring Ms. Adivasi as a difficult mother-in-law arguing against exclusive breastfeeding. Vandana Dube, the stations first manager, helps to produce programs on hygiene, health and the importance of education. She said that listening groups, which have formed throughout the district, are having a major impact. In particular, more women are now contributing to important debates on caste discrimination, female foeticide and female empowerment issues that concern them directly. UNICEF Image CONCLUSION There is no single ideal format for educational radio. Innovative programming offers some very effective approaches to non-formal education over radio. Recently, AIR agreed to a proposal from Sesame Workshop India to provide airtime on national and regional radio channels for locally produced versions of the universally popular Sesame Street. The programs would be aimed at pre-school goers, and would also provide under-served children with access to educational media, especially in rural areas. All the same, it has been amply proved that radio rightly used can improve educational quality and relevance, lower educational costs and improve access to education, particularly for disadvantaged groups. It is most effective when supported by trained facilitators, group learning, group discussion, feedback and the use of multimedia approaches.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

How A Check Is Processed :: essays research papers

Checks are written everyday at almost every place of business. At age 18 anyone with the adequate amount of money can open a checking account of their own. One aspect of checking account functions that many account owners are not familiar with is the processing of their checks after they have been written.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When grocery shopping at a place such as Winn Dixie the customer many times thinks to his or herself whether he or she should pay cash, charge it, or pay for the purchase with a check. He or she may ponder this question in their mind all the way to the check out counter. When the customer makes the decision to pay for the merchandise with a check, a long process is started. This process begins when the check is handed over to the cashier.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Once all information has been properly placed on the check the cashier then will normally ask for two things, a home phone number and a drivers license number. Once all of the necessary information has been placed on the check by both the cashier and the customer the check is scanned in the automatic check reader. This check reader recognizes the customers account number, A.B.A. number (or routing number), as well as the check number. The computer system can the recognize the specific account and check to make sure that there are no returned checks on that account. Once the checked is approved, it is then printed or endorsed on the back with all proper information for Winn Dixie deposits, including the amount of the purchase, cash back received (if applicable), store location number, date, time, cashier number, and the customer’s account number. The cashier then stores the check in a locked box until it is time for them to go home. All checks are then added together to make sure none are missing and to make sure the cashier put all checks in for the correct amount. All checks received in the office at the end of the day are totaled together and deposited into Winn Dixie’s bank account. When the person responsible goes to the bank and makes the deposit for the business, he or she hands a large number of checks to the bank teller. The teller will then verify the amount of the deposit to the total amount of the checks. After the deposit has been verified and all numbers are correct, the teller will then run the checks through the proof machine to be verified again. How A Check Is Processed :: essays research papers Checks are written everyday at almost every place of business. At age 18 anyone with the adequate amount of money can open a checking account of their own. One aspect of checking account functions that many account owners are not familiar with is the processing of their checks after they have been written.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When grocery shopping at a place such as Winn Dixie the customer many times thinks to his or herself whether he or she should pay cash, charge it, or pay for the purchase with a check. He or she may ponder this question in their mind all the way to the check out counter. When the customer makes the decision to pay for the merchandise with a check, a long process is started. This process begins when the check is handed over to the cashier.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Once all information has been properly placed on the check the cashier then will normally ask for two things, a home phone number and a drivers license number. Once all of the necessary information has been placed on the check by both the cashier and the customer the check is scanned in the automatic check reader. This check reader recognizes the customers account number, A.B.A. number (or routing number), as well as the check number. The computer system can the recognize the specific account and check to make sure that there are no returned checks on that account. Once the checked is approved, it is then printed or endorsed on the back with all proper information for Winn Dixie deposits, including the amount of the purchase, cash back received (if applicable), store location number, date, time, cashier number, and the customer’s account number. The cashier then stores the check in a locked box until it is time for them to go home. All checks are then added together to make sure none are missing and to make sure the cashier put all checks in for the correct amount. All checks received in the office at the end of the day are totaled together and deposited into Winn Dixie’s bank account. When the person responsible goes to the bank and makes the deposit for the business, he or she hands a large number of checks to the bank teller. The teller will then verify the amount of the deposit to the total amount of the checks. After the deposit has been verified and all numbers are correct, the teller will then run the checks through the proof machine to be verified again.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The links between social class and educational achievement Essay

The links between social class and educational achievement There have been many theories about social class and educational achievement and this essay will concentrate on the conflict theory and the functionalist theory. This essay will examine the links between class and achievement. It will describe and critically analyse the different sociological theories on education relating to class, and apply these theories to educational experiences, structure and practices. The different perspectives will be used to analyse inequality in relation to different social classes in the UK. This essay will also provide evidence of inequality in British education and identify and evaluate key policy developments in education provision in relation to social class Functionalist theory focuses on the ways the education system as a whole meets the needs of society. It emphasises the interdependence of the social system and stresses the process and behaviours that maintain it. Durkheim (cited in Haralambos et al: 2000:777) ‘saw the major function of education as the transmission of society’s norms and values’. Functionalist theory believes that schools should serve intellectual, political and social purposes (Sadovnik et al: 2001). Functionalists believe that schools ‘foster the value of equality of opportunity’ by placing pupils in the same situation in the classroom (Haralambos et al: 779). They maintain that education sorts students based on their ability, as argued by Parsons: †¦[students] conduct is assessed against the yardstick of the school rules; their achievement is measured by their performance in examinations†¦the same standards are applied to all students regardless of ascribed characteristics such as sex, race, family... ...will have long term positive results’ (Haralambos et al 2004: p621). Sure start was criticised that its impact on children and their parents was unsatisfactory. ‘However it is too early to assess its impact on children’s formal education’ (ibid). These policies have been created because there is a LINK between class and achievement for example working class pupils do less well in school. Summary This essay has discussed and critically analysed the different social theories of education relating to class, it has applied these theories to educational experiences, structures and practices. It has addressed different social theories of inequality in relation to social classes. This essay has also provided evidence of inequality in British education and finally identified and evaluated key policy developments in education provision in relation to social class.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Snakes, Facts and Falsehoods :: essays research papers fc

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Hesson, 2   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  With its long slender body the snake is probably the funniest shaped creature you will ever encounter. There are many benefits regarding this wonderful reptile that make it a high asset to the world. It has been said that people are always afraid of what is different, afraid of what they do not know. Many of the rumored questions can be easily dispelled. From questions like what is a Thamnophis sirtalis, to where the extracting organs are located. First, let us dispel any of the rumors that are around about these guys. Despite popular belief, the snake does not swallow there young to protect them from harm; the stomach would immediately start to digest them. This myth came around from fear and adrenaline, but snakes cannot crawl faster than a human can run. The tongue of the snake is not a stinger, but actually a sensory organ. In addition, snakes are not slimy, because they do not secrete any kind of oil. Now that we have started uncovering the truth about these reptiles, we can start with some facts.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the world today, there are about 2,500 known species of snakes belonging to more than ten families. In the U.S., there are about 127 species, with thirty-eight species found within the U.S. (including five venomous Hesson, 3 ones). Most people wonder what will happen to them if they do happen to encounter a snake. Will I get bitten, is it venomous, will I die, is someone going to have to suck the poison out of the wound, is it trying to kill me, should I try to kill him? A lot of things are happening at this point, more than likely the snake is just trying to defend itself. In addition, it has all the right to do so. First, you disrupted the snake, it did not disrupt you. How would you feel if A five to six foot thing with two legs and hair growing on it almost stepped on you and you were a only a half foot off the ground, you would be pretty shocked. More than likely, the snake is harmless. If by chance the snake is a venomous or dangerous snake just simply stop, and walk slowly away from it. Do not threaten it or try to kill it, just back away. With all this talk about confrontation and how to avoid the snake, it would make sense to mention what to stay on the look out for.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Common Errors

In two thousand. This does not apply to expressions representing money, time of day, Biblical citations, and a few other things. When using a specific date (month, day, and year), you must have punctuation on either side of the year. Today is September 23, 2012, and it is a Monday. Today is September 23, 2012. When indicating a specific city and state, you need punctuation on either side of the state. We are in Indianapolis, Indiana, headed for Chicago. Indianapolis, Indiana. Structure We are in A comma splice is a type of run-on sentence where you put two complete thoughts together with a comma.You must make these into separate sentences which can be done in a number of ways. Refer to the text for help. Or, just ask. For example: We went to the movie, we were disappointed with the plot. Comma splice We went to the movie; we were disappointed with the plot. Join with a semicolon We went to the movie, and we were disappointed with the plot. Join with a comma/coordinating conjunction We went to the movie; however, we were disappointed with the plot. Join with a conjunctive adverb When you join two complete sentences with ‘however' as a conjunctive adverb, you must use a Nicolle before the ‘however and a comma after it.Examples Of other conjunctive adverbs are otherwise, consequently, indeed, similarly, finally, likewise, then, furthermore, moreover, therefore, hence, nevertheless. For example: We went to the mall; however, we did not purchase anything. Try never to start a sentence with â€Å"There are/were/will be, etc†¦. † And certainly not a paragraph. Less a useless word that does not add to the meaning and does not act as a transition. A shift in number occurs when the writer changes from singular to plural or plural to singular. For example,My goal is to get the attention of the reader so that they will understand my message. â€Å"Reader is singular; â€Å"they' is plural. You must keep the same number. My goal is to get the atte ntion of the readers so that they will understand my message. Papers You cannot use any form of first or second person in your papers. These include l, me, us, we, our, ours, you, yours. First and second person pronouns are fine in your Discussion Boards and Peer Reviews. You must have your pages set up with auto pagination so that the page number ‘moves' with your work. If you do not know how to do this, check in Word for help.The intro to your papers must have the title of the work (if you are reviewing an article) and the author's name. You need to preview you main points and end with a thesis statement. When you write an introduction to your paper, you want to get the readers attention as well as preview your main points. Generally, you will have three to five main points. The intro is meant to be a road map of sorts. You subtly tell your reader where you plan to go. Then, each of the main points should be discussed (in the same order as they were presented in the intro) i n a paragraph or so each.Finally, you need a conclusion that elates directly to the intro by summarizing the main points that you have made in the paper. Your quotations should never exceed three lines. If so, you have to treat them differently per MEAL. Additionally, such long quotes do not serve you well in short papers such as these. Limit the quotes in length. Try to paraphrase and then to use the quotes for sources/back-up to your thoughts. Since we generally have only one source for the first paper, you must cite the author only the first time you quote her. For example, after your first quotation, you would have (author's name and the page number).After that, unless you have another source, you need only cite the page number (405) for example. Remember that you must cite quoted material immediately. Cite paraphrased material when you have finished with the topic, generally at the end of the paragraph. When you introduce a source in your papers, you must give that person reaso nable credentials. For example, you would not write John Smith refers to this type of movement as an economic disaster (citation). Instead, you would credential the source by saying something like John Smith, a professor of economics at Yale University, refers to†¦.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Point paper

A program is a series of steps to be carried out for goals to be accomplished. In other words it is the group of activities directed towards achieving defined objectives and targets. A target audience is a group of people that are targeted by business organization, advertising campaign etc. for appealing there product.Waterfront job requires well knowledge in respect of protection of ship and protection of environment. It also included as how to avoid fire danger, prevent corrosion and electrolysis, follow safe procedures during fueling etc. So handling of all these activities require well equipped knowledge with the working of waterfront. Thus, from the above points it is clear that the position of person working as a waterfront is highly technical and risky as person is always play with his life while performing any of his duties.A pilot program includes the creation and use of new business associate classification. This program helps to distinguish different class of people on the basis of certain factors. There is lots of scope in waterfront job as there is growing interest in this field and new ideas are generating everyday. The course in relation to this undertakes a long apprenticeship training which makes the person expert in his field and to face any difficult circumstances. The persons undergoing this training are in great demand due to their special feature of job and also provide them opportunity to grow big in the respective industry. It is very appealing to young peoples who are adventurous in nature and always ready to take the risk. The job provides lots of scope for promotion in their field to members.If a person wants to grow his position into big and great, waterfront job provide a lot opportunity to achieve the target. The person holding the position as waterfront is in great demand due to function performed by Waterfront fitness Specialist working with various ships is to provide fitness assistance for physical program.As stated in the ques tion that less persons are going on training under this area. His indicates that the job is not much focused or paid attention but takes in him immense scope for attracting more and more person for training. The sum of money received in this job is very handsome due to its risky behavior but this special feature helps to increase the people for training. The position of waterfront is earlier seen in west coast but in recent days east coast are also actively involved for training position. The people are more and more becoming aware of the advantage of score in respective field comes to undergo training.The person acting as a trainer to attract more and more individuals in this job around the world a person is needed a four year degree from authorized university with a major in exercise physiology, physical education or related field. Must possess current fitness certification like (American College Sports Medicine (ACSM), Cooper Institute of Aerobic Research, National Strength and C onditioning Association, American Exercise Council (ACE) or other nationally recognizing certifying agencies. In depth knowledge of the principles of training to be imparted is needed. Ability to perform maintenance and minor repairs of fitness equipment are extensive oral and written communication skills.There is lot of scope of this course in university and colleges as young peoples study there and always willing to take risk at any cost. The money in this job is quite handsome; this will drag the attention of students. Therefore it is very successful to launch this internship program in the universities due to fresh environment and enthusiastic manner. The internship program time period is very long and very deep practical knowledge is imparted to the persons. With this training they become quite confident to take their task in effective manner. Thus, it is easily conclude that initiating of training program in universities and colleges is quite successful by dragging attention o f maximum numbers of person for training.Generally the company imparting internship program hire the same persons whom they provide training by providing effective job according to their area of interest. So they trainer can tap the resources from local universities and colleges by set up an internship program in the campus of university and hiring them for job increase the personnel in the respective field. With the internship program it is possible to appoint individuals after their program is completed and put qualified individuals on the areas and ships. The students completed their graduation can opt for this training at their own campus and after depositing the specified fees. The providing of training at university and college campus is very intelligent decision to tap the young talent in this field which is emerging field. This provides immense help to students who doesn’t know a bit about this training and course, so it is very convenient for them to take deep knowle dge of the course.Therefore, the above mentioned program is immensely helpful to the entire newcomer trying to take any such internship training or program. The success is guaranteed of providing training to students by trainer by its unique feature and freshness of the job. So the decision to impart training for waterfront job is very correct and very successful.REFRENCEReferred to sites:-1.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  WaterfrontDated 19th September 2007

Pfizer Company: A Presentation of Strategic Context

Pfizer is the number two largest biomedical and pharmaceutical research and development company in the world, boasting in excess of fifty Billion dollars per year in gross revenues. While the recession has hit many companies, the biotechnology and pharmaceuticals sector has remained not only relatively insulated, but in addition to that the forecasting models for growth predict a profitable future. Pfizer has had its share of growing pains, a cause for reduction in gross revenues comes primarily from a growth strategy to acquire another large biopharmaceutical company, yet net retained earnings have continued to increase at a rate of six percent annual average each year over the last three years. After Pfizer’s acquisitions of Wyeth they saw a substantial increase in operating profit margins due to increased efficiencies between the two companies. Pfizer has recently acquired a biopharmaceutical company named Wyeth. By purchasing Wyeth which specializes in vaccines, Pfizer has broadened their customer base by expanding their product line. This business practice aligns with Pfizer’s current pro-growth Strategy. It is clear, in most part; Pfizer’s business Strategy aligns with the wild wild west model of Industry Ecosystems. Pfizer if a relatively fast growing company, in an industry that thrives on making fast and furious technological discoveries, and they have a very high rate of customer retention due to patent protection. Pfizer has many competing technologies in the market place for such diseases as cardiac health, mental health, and infectious disease treatments. Their drug Lipitor is by far the highest grossing drug the company currently has on the market. Cardiac disease is the most common and fatal disease that Americans face. Lipitor functions by lowering low density lipids (or fats) in the blood stream thus promoting cardiac and circulatory efficiency and health. Pfizer’s patent on Lipitor is set to expire in November of this year which would potentially result in reducing their total revenues for that drug significantly because other companies could then introduce a generic substitute. The net effect of Lipitor’s patent expiration on Pfizer’s bottom line could be a reduction as large as ten percent of total gross revenues. Pfizer would be expected to retain approximately twenty percent of users which equals four percent of Pfizer’s total Gross Revenues. Some customers ill continue to use Lipitor, for example: those patients whose insurance does cover name brand medicines or patience of physicians that reject writing prescriptions for generic substitutes. This problem is a perfect example of one of Porters Key strategy principals that Pfizer follows, analyzing and protecting a threat of substitute products. How Pfizer addresses the problem is how they exercise his strategy. The current estimated retail cost of Lipitor is around one hundred and seventy dollars per month depending on the prescribed dosage. After November of this year it is very possible that we could see a generic substitute on the Wal-Mart four dollar list. Part of Pfizer’s Business strategy has been to launch legal battles for patent protections and extensions longer than the November 2011 date, which would result in a prolonged period of increased earnings and profits. To continue with an analysis of strategy, Pfizer uses both a combination of the resource based view in conjunction with the industry investment prospective. An example of this would be Pfizer’s acquisition of Wyeth which catered to a much broader and diverse section of the drug market. The resource prospective would say that Pfizer already has massive research and development capabilities, drug production and manufacturing systems, and well established distribution channels for its already long list of products, making Wyeth a fit for the company’s growth and expansion strategies. What is different from the resource based view and supports the industry investment strategy is that Wyeth is a leading researcher, developer, and provider of vaccines, which is a very lucrative industry in and of its self. The numbers of users for vaccines are much larger than for a specialized product such as Lipitor, yet vaccines still have patent protections that help drug companies keep prices high. These two companies merged together have much greater and sustainable competitive advantages than either one by itself. One of the resources that will help to fend off threats to their product lines is their pooling of resources for their in house legal team. As new products emerge from the research and development scientists, their joint capacity to protect their drug assets and keep products in the hands of the end users will inevitably eep other drug companies from capitalizing on the opportunities to produce generics. Some of the more rare and inimitable products are the ability to produce huge financial gains for Pfizer if they pass through all the stages of FDA screening protocol. Some areas Pfizer is currently investing research and development dollars are, DNA specific drugs, new small molecule compounds, Stem Cell therapies, Amino Acid therapies. DNA specific drugs have huge potential for Pfizer because many side effects can be prevented, allergies can be detected, and a shorter time line for approval to the FDA can result from better drugs. New small molecule compounds are useful because they tend to have fewer side effects which equal fewer liabilities and risk for the producer, and can be easier to develop and manufacture. Stem cell research also opens up a great deal of opportunity for drugs that work well on the cellular and molecular level, but can even be toxic or fatal in the human body. The method of drug delivery is many times the largest hurdle in getting an effective drug to the reaction site to produce the desired effect. Finally, and quite possibly most interestingly there are over three hundred and twenty know amino acids. Our human bodies produce or utilize only twenty four of them. Many of the reaction mechanisms on the molecular level can be imitated or recreated by unnatural amino acids meaning that we may see a huge increase in effective drugs with decreased side effects by utilizing these products. In conclusion Pfizer has acquired a great addition to its company with Wyeth as part of its pro-growth business strategy. It is clear that they have used a combination of both resourced based and industry based strategy. By tapping into a broad mass market via a new product by a new company Pfizer will have a clear competitive advantage over companies like Merk and Novartis. Pfizer is definitely leveraging their human resource assets to prevent substitute products from entering the markets. I believe that by exercising these strategies Pfizer can prevent slipping into the creative destruction life stage of a company.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Book Review: Supercrunchers

We re likely to discount discomforting evidence and focus Instead on evidence that supports our preexisting beliefs. Reason 3: Most people are overconfident while they make prediction to the future while some people tend to be undercoating and slow to change In the face of new evidence. And overconfidence becomes severe when the problems become more complicated. 2. The author suggests that equations should not be without some kind of â€Å"over ride† capability. What is the â€Å"over ride† capability? Why does the author suggest this is necessary?Do you agree or disagree with this. Answers: â€Å"Over ride† capability refers to some kind of discretionary escape hatch some way for a human to override the prediction of the formula. Just like the rejection area of hypothesis test. It is necessary because a statistical procedure cannot estimate the causal impact of rare events because there simply aren't enough data concerning them to make a credible estimate. The r arity of the event doesn't mean that it will not have a big impact when the event does in fact occur.It Just means that statistical formulas will not be able to future the impact. In such case, a â€Å"over ride† capability is needed. I agree with this point because it is common in the day to day life. We need to find out when does the statistic way loose effectiveness. Every method has its own drawback; we need to figure out a systematic way to â€Å"automatically' reflect the time that a statistic method fails. 3. The author puts forward that if one concludes that equations are in fact better than experts, then one must ask the question of where experts fit Into the process of prediction.Explain the place for experts In a world where predictions are made by equations. Answers: In a word, the most Important thing that is left to human experts Is to use our minds and our intuition to guess at what variables should and should not be Included in statistical analysis. A statist ical regression can tell us the weights to place upon various factors. Human By Ranchers Chem. Email: [email  protected] Deed experts, however, are crucially needed to generate the hypotheses about what causes what.The regressions can test whether there Is a causal effect and estimate the size f the causal impact, but somebody needs to specify the test itself. In addition, humans are crucial not only in deciding what to test, but also in collecting and. At times, creating the data. Reason 2: Once we form a mistaken belief about something, we tend to cling to it. We are likely to discount discomforting evidence and focus instead on evidence that to change in the face of new evidence. And overconfidence becomes severe when the than experts, then one must ask the question of where experts fit into the process of reduction.Explain the place for experts in a world where predictions are made by equations. Answers: In a word, the most important thing that is left to human experts is to u se our minds and our intuition to guess at what variables should and should not be included in statistical analysis. A statistical regression can tell us the weights what. The regressions can test whether there is a causal effect and estimate the size humans are crucial not only in deciding what to test, but also in collecting and, at

Friday, September 13, 2019

IT Failures in History and How They Could Have Been Avoided Research Paper

IT Failures in History and How They Could Have Been Avoided - Research Paper Example Why did the companies never focus on advertising as they would have? While researching this topic, I realized that some of the products were not globally recognized. Why were the products not globally known to consumers all around the world? May be the communication was not good enough. The most important question that prevails in my mind is that why the communication networks were not used as extensively as they would have to market the high-tech products? (Flyvbjerg, 2011). From this situation of products of IT falling in the market, we can derive that there was a lack of communications all across the globe. Particularly, there is a desperate need for efficient teamwork which makes sure that the whole organization thinks the same way. Famous leaders, such as Cameron have comprehended that a mutual structure for a strong hand by the government will ensure enhanced communications. The communications process should be well recognized and well integrated all across the organization (So urcing Shangri-La, 2011). The worldwide language of end-to-end business procedure has to be holistic particularly. The whole communication process has to be well integrated within the organization so that it spends enough on advertising and promotion to let people know of the company’s products. The combination of risks, analysis, compliance, quality, and document has to well integrate in the firm. Different stakeholder groups have to be treated differently by the management of the firm to support IT processes with the businesses. Also, bolster the people through continuous improvement of the organization (Sourcing Shangri-La, 2011). These problems, issues and questions have been answered by prestigious leaders in the field of Information Technology. As described earlier, an integrated system of communications has to be used by the company. Obviously, this is not an easy task practically. Theoretically, it seems like it is clear and neat but realistically, it is not. Complete execution of communications also goes through confrontation which is beyond the normal pace of work (The TIME Magazine). It is difficult to shift the whole culture of information technology communications to welcome simplicity and new levels of accountability and visibility in the organization. But, there is an even greater reason for just adhering to things and viewing change as hazardous. It is because management wants to keep a level of control and certainty to itself which is prevalent in the cases of bigger projects. The project control cannot be lost and so all activities need to be coordinated within the organization for a much wide viewpoint. This is the prime way that huge IT failures can be avoided or eschewed and millions of dollars could be saved (The TIME Magazine). Approximately ninety percent of all SMEs close down almost two years after losing data that could never get recovered. According to the Manager Director at City Lifeline, Roger Keenan, SME’s are the ones most susceptible to data losses as six hours of downtime makes pay for a working day. It is important for SMEs to save files not only on hard drives but also on secure and protected locations which are off the site. Also, collocation data centers assist in these disasters when all the information is gone by safeguarding the servers and equipments which are

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Rewrite Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 3

Rewrite - Essay Example The brand name is developed from the words architecture and Cymru, which is Wales in Welsh. This brand name will help us expand within the local Welsh market, which enhances the company’s ability to become a premier Welsh firm. We wish to take advantage of the increased investment in Wales’ construction sector by seeking for funds through our brand name. Although the brand name seeks to establish our company in the local market, our wider objective is to become a major firm in Europe with the capacity of executing major architectural projects within the continent and the rest of the world. Within the first three to five years of our operations, the company will operate as a private limited company with each shareholder having equal rights. Thereafter, the company will liquidity or offer some of the shares to the public through an initial public offering with the company becoming a public limited company although this objective is based on the long-term achievements of company and its success as reassessed in the long-run. Through various milestones in infrastructural designs, Wales’s construction industry plays an important role in the development and growth of the local economy while considering various environmental and societal issues. Economical estimates indicate that the industry contributes about 10% to the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Each year, estimated investments in the sector are likely to be about  £2.3 billion with the industry experiencing high competition, as there are around 12,000 construction firms in the sector. Despite the stiff competition, the industry experiences a wide range of specializations. Concerning the labor force benefiting from the industry, industrial estimates indicate that over 100,000 workers are employed by the industry and they range from various construction professions such as architecture, builders, engineers, surveyors, maintenance groups, and other companies that restore and

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Inventory Accounting for Product Lines Case Study

Inventory Accounting for Product Lines - Case Study Example The custom auto and motorcycle paints are not distinguishable items as distinctively as the automobile kits. They have a shelf life of 60 days which means that paints entering the inventory must be leaving it within 60 days or else they will be identified by the expired coloration. This suggests a running inventory line where the inventory moves linearly. The paints bought first are sold first and the paints bought last are sold last. But since the inventory is not linearly distributed i.e. it cannot be ascertained as to how many days a particular paint has been sitting in the warehouse, the most appropriate inventory costing system would be average costing. This would mean that the cost of goods sold will incorporate the linear movement of inventory and allow for averaged costs over time. Average based costing would ensure that the proportions of the paints sold would be used to estimate the final COGS - weighted averages have significant accuracy in such inventory models. The other items in inventory (bulbs, stickers, fuses, etc) are low-priced items and the shuffli

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Why Warren G. Bennis is or is not an Ethical Leader Assignment

Why Warren G. Bennis is or is not an Ethical Leader - Assignment Example B. He recognized the core concepts of leadership by emphasizing on attention through vision, which he believed drew other people such as subordinates in; meaning through communication by believing that all leaders have the capability to communicate their core values and vision and bring it back to life for other people. E. He advocated adhocracy as opposed to hierarchy, bureaucratic and centralized control types of leadership in organizations by championing for sharing of leadership and responsibility based on task forces or groups’ abilities or qualifications for the particular groups (Bennis & Nanus, 2004). F. He consulted widely with both political and corporate leaders in further advocating for his ethical type of leadership; by recognizing the imperative role, other people play in both an organization setting and the outside world (Northouse, 2007). Therefore, it is evident that Warren G. Bennis was an ethical leader who advocated ethical leadership and emphasized on the concepts of ethical leadership through his humanistic and democratic styles of leadership. Although he demonstrated little advocacy for visionary leadership, he is one of the heroic figures in history who extensively explored the concept of leadership. Thus, who is a successful leader, ethical or visionary leaders remains a contentious issue to

Monday, September 9, 2019

To what extent does the internet represent a more democratic medium of Essay

To what extent does the internet represent a more democratic medium of information - Essay Example The concept of democratic media is also in contrast to state-run operations in which the media embodies the value system of the state itself. As such, democratic media can be highlighted by its structure and roles. With regard to structure, democratic media is essentially organized and overseen by ordinary citizens or their grassroots organizations; in terms of functions, democratic media, as a matter of priority, pursue serving the informational, cultural, and other communication needs of members of the public from which the media constitute or represent (Gaur 2006, p.6). Majority of the world media, today, can be regarded as embroiled in a hyper-commercialized agitation. In most countries, fewer than ten transnational media conglomerates control much of the media with almost every aspect of media culture under commercial exploitation right from sports, education, and arts. For some, this trend of concentration of media power and the resultant commercialization of public discourse s pells a disaster. An informed and active citizenry relies on the media in exercising its public service role and popular government need popular information, or ways of attaining it to be considered democratic (Bennett 2007, p.22). The case for media rests on two broad propositions: first, media play critical roles in social, political, economic, and cultural functions within contemporary democracies. In such societies, media can be regarded as the principal source of political information and admittance to public debate, and the platform to an informed, participating, self-governing citizenry (Gaur 2006, p.7). Democracy necessitates a media system that avails the masses with a wide range of opinion and analysis and debate on critical issues, mirrors the diversity of citizens, and fosters public accountability on the premise of powers-that-be and the powers-that-want-be (Bennett 2007, p.24). Second, media structuring, as exemplified by patters of ownership, subsidy, management, and regulations, are a critical determinant of media content. Given the non-competitive nature of media markets, the assertion that the media in contemporary society â€Å"gives people what they want† is unconvincing, to the exception of one media-the internet. Most media firms possess enough market power to dictate the content that can be perceived as most profitable to them (Cohen 2005, p.3). An easy route to this end (profitability) features increasing commercialism facilitated by a large number on ads, enhanced influence by advertisers over the non-advertising content, programming that yields to merchandising, and all forms of cross promotions with non-media forms. For any media to be considered democratic, it must wean itself the negativities associated with media ownership, regulation, management, and subsidy (Hoggart 2004, p.2). As such, the media system must eliminate the enormous power held by selected corporations and advertisers that dictate the media culture. The rece nt success witnessed by the commercial media can be attributed to a number of factors: commercial media operate at all geographical levels as highlighted by the Intra and inter-corporate connections exchange content. Commercial media all collectively and individually lobby to bring strategic influence to bear on

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Learning of Mathematics in Secondary Schools Essay

Learning of Mathematics in Secondary Schools - Essay Example Today, in whatever domain of work we look into, we always find the impact of technology continuously revolutionizing those fields and industries. The education industry is no exception. When looking deep into various disciplines of studies to analyze the actualized as well as potential impact of technology, we come across the fact that the understanding of the subjects which are very conceptual in nature, increases many folds. Mathematics is one of them. Furthermore, especially in secondary classes in Singapore, when the course of mathematics starts to get more conceptual and complex, it becomes essential to let the students visualize various concepts using multimedia, which would otherwise be impossible to demonstrate. Thus this study aims to analyze the impact of use of Information and Communication Technology in the enhancement of learning of Mathematics in the secondary schools of Singapore, particularly in the assessment aspect of teaching. Information Communication Technology i s too broad area to be analyzed as a whole, thus we would restrict ourselves to the impact of multimedia technologies only. This specification leads us to our research question, that is, This literature review is aimed to look at the work relevant to the issue that has already been done. Thus, first of all we would start with defining the term multimedia, without as well as within the context of Information Communication Technology. Moving further, we will analyze the various researches done on the issue of teaching methodologies and its relation with technologies. The term 'relation' here includes the advent, the nature and level of integration of technology and teaching over time and impact. Moving further, we would review the literature on how the multimedia technologies can facilitate the teaching of mathematics. Lastly we would try to analyze that keeping in view the existing literature, what is the need of the proposed research. It is important to be clear in very beginning that what perspective of multimedia we are considering, in order to avoid any ambiguity. In a literal sense, the word multi means many and media means the plurality of mediums, the way of delivering some thing. The type of information that is considered as part of media are diversified, it includes, text, graphics, animations, sounds and video clips. The list is not exhaustive; with the evolution of technology new types of media keep on being added. For example, initially only text was the media to be used, then graphics and then sounds, animations and clips and so on. When we speak of the term multimedia in terms of information and communication technology, it has been defined as Multimedia is communication that uses any combination of different media; it may or may not involve computers. Multimedia may include text, spoken audio, music, images, animation, and video. . Multimedia programs are often interactive and include games, sales presentations, encyclopedias, and more. From this definition we can infer some